
My objective is to provide actionable stock market ideas, both long and short, as well as real-time market commentary and analysis, stock group and thematic analysis, and economic commentary using a variety of media to investors who may not ordinarily have access to such an advisory service. Investors who don’t have the net worth or account size to qualify for the various vehicles and programs that purport to use O’Neil methodologies are often left to their own devices. Rote, mechanical advice from less-than-experienced individuals may not provide a complete answer for those who need guidance while “under fire” in the markets in real-time. TheOWLTrader.com™ gives investors access to the continuous, real-time thinking of an experienced trader who has studied and employed all aspects of the O’Neil methodology, both long and short. In doing so, I believe we can help individual investors gain a deeper understanding of the use of O’Neil methodologies and thereby improve their own use of these methods.

The precise tactics and methods I employ represent a synthesis of the works and methods of William O’Neil, Richard Wyckoff, and Jesse Livermore, which I refer to acronymically as the OWL Method (O’Neil-Wyckoff-Livermore). My own research is a living, breathing process that has as its foundation the knowledge and experience I obtained while running money for, and working side-by-side with, William O’Neil. As the market environment evolves, shifts, and changes, however, my research pushes the envelope by expanding on this foundation with the goal of sniffing out and codifying the precise tactics and techniques that will work in any given market environment. In other words, my goal is to discover “what really works” in the market at any given point in time and convey that to my members in a manner that provides them with a concrete action plan.

As a former Chief Market Strategist, Vice President, and internal Portfolio Manager for William O’Neil + Company, Inc., and co-author of four investment books, one of which I co-authored with William O’Neil, I have had wealthy individuals offer to pay me several thousand dollars for a single day of being able to sit down with me, one-on-one, and watch how I implement the O’Neil methods in real-time. Like Jesse Livermore, I prefer to trade alone, so this idea has had little appeal to me. However, through TheOWLTrader.com™ I can provide individual investors with similar access and in the process help out those who need it most, for a lot less than several thousand dollars a day, and a lot less than the vast majority of other investment websites out there today.

Subscribers to this service will have access to The OWL Market Feed, a continuous real-time stream of analysis and commentary that is presented in a format that best disseminates the relevant information. Depending on the content, this will include short blog posts, idea lists, action lists, longer analysis pieces, and videos, among other formats, all consistent with the idea of a real-time stream of information and actionable ideas that help members gain a material edge. OWL methods take O’Neil-style methodologies to a new level, incorporating the work and investment philosophies of Richard D. Wyckoff and Jesse Livermore as a way of adapting to changing markets in a manner that is consistent with an overall OWL philosophy. Members also have direct access to me and can ask questions in the appropriate Comments section for each OWL Market Feed post.

In addition, members can download for free e-book versions of The OWL Handbook and The Gilmo Almanac 2020 and 2022 editions.

I invite you to watch this video tour of the website for a deeper look at TheOWLTrader.com: https://youtu.be/q22d7ILSRK0?si=yGpoLF1kp4IzA4TB

Ultimately, successful investing is not about being on the bull side or the bear side, but rather the right side. That is the goal of this service, and we look forward to having you as a member.

Wishing You Peace, Health, and Market Prosperity,

Gil Morales